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Created by Bex Carruthers
Created on Nov 16, 2023

Filter reading list to items with library notes

We use Library notes to document if a unit will be moving to another edition or title in the following offering. It would be useful to be able to filter the reading list to show only items with library notes, so that post rollover, staff can quickly check to see if there are any updates required.

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  • Admin
    Lisa Svanfeldt-Winter
    Jul 5, 2024

    Hi Bex, I'm happy to update that reading lists now can be filtered to items with library notes. Best, Lisa from Product.

  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Dec 7, 2023

    Hi again Bex. We have reviewed this with our technical team and added to the continuous improvement theme of work 2024. Best, Georgia

  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Nov 16, 2023

    Hi Bex, thanks for this feedback. Will raise this with our development team for further discussion. Best, Georgia (Product Manager)


Filter editor list view by library notes field

We would like to be able to filter items on the list via the Library notes field please. This would enable us to find similar items for editing
Guest 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Shipped