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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories Edit List
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 2, 2024

Auto-reminder to users to publish a list with status of unpublished changes

It is proposed to have system-generated communication to remind list editors to publish their reading lists if they are left with Unpublished changes.The scope could include:
• Lists attached to a current live time period only
• Only include lists that have had changes made after rollover
• Ideally, reminders to be sent to users who have made the recent change without publishing the changes
o if not possible, an alternative could be to notify list owners
o not to include any notifications to Library staff
• Reminders sent within 24-hours, to capture changes that are time sensitive to teaching
• Optional for tenancy to switch on or off

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Lisa Svanfeldt-Winter
    Sep 5, 2024

    Thanks for your feedback! We will be reviewing possible improvements to how to remind users to publish lists next year. Best, Product Team