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Add a librarian to a list.

Your subject librarian is…” and then link to email/message them.
Katy Maydon 2 days ago in Edit List 0

Add a “I want this” or “buy this book” button

So academics can easily notify the library they would like an item ordered.
Katy Maydon 2 days ago in Advanced Mis 0

Increase the size of student note

It is small and can get missed.
Katy Maydon 2 days ago in Edit List 0

More General Customisation

For example: bold text, background colours, different coloured sections, etc. This would allow easier browsing for users and make it better to distinguish between sections.
Katy Maydon 2 days ago in Branding 0
261 VOTE

Resource type list - allow customisation

We would like to add 'Databases" to the resource type list. I have seen other users would like to add other resources types. Why not allow users to add resource types to the list that work for their organisation?
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 6 Future consideration

Can the drop down list for resource types be in alphabetical order please?

We are pleased to see the introduction of 4 additional resource types, however it would be great if the drop down list in the edit screen could be in alphabetical order please.
Fiona Lowe 21 days ago in Bookmarking 1 Planned

Mandatory importances to be available when using the 'Add Resource' feature in list view

We have recently enabled mandatory importances. However, many of our academics use the 'Add Resource' feature to add items to their lists. Unfortunately adding items in this way does not force an importance to be set, only a prompt at list publish...
Guest 3 months ago in Importances 2 Planned

Enable list publishers/Library staff to make copies of the published version of a list

In the absence of an Undo button for accidental section deletion, it would be really useful to be able to make a Copy of the published (rather than Draft) version of a reading list. We often get academics accidentally deleting large sections of th...
Guest about 1 month ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

We'd like to be able to put in our own text at the top of the Feedback form

We would like to reword and add links into the text on the top of the Feedback form for users to guide them to online help, plus different teams in the library according to their issues . The fixed message is not very helpful currently.
Guest 21 days ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

Put Add field selector above Part lookup in the bookmarking screen

While we have more issues with the new bookmarking interface that I think would be good to address in the future, a relatively easy change that would be beneficial to us would be to 'flip' the Add field and Part lookup selectors in the bookmarking...
Kia Owens about 1 month ago in Bookmarking 4 Planned