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Change 'Edit list details' to 'Edit list privacy' only

Only system administrators/library staff should be able to change list settings such as the time periods, titles, and licences. We find the description box is rarely used. Academics tend to change the time periods to 'rollover' their list, without...
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Change the save buttons in the Assign List Owner window.

When a user is assigned as the 'List Owner' of the list, if the Save button is clicked (instead of the Save with List Publisher role), the user is granted ownership without editor permissions. This is not particularly obvious and causing frustrati...
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

ADD RESOURCE - add world-wide searching to integrated discovery function

Hello, We've recently added the OCLC discovery integration to our ADD RESOURCE button within the reading list. It's a significant improvement on searching the Nielson database. However, it currently searches our own holdings only. We would ideally...
Nicholas Gates about 1 year ago in  7 Planned

Please automatically tick the Online Resource box when 'Document' is selected as the resource type

Documents are practically always online PDFs. Please make the Online Resource box automatically ticked when 'Document' is selected as the resource type. (The same way webpage is automatically ticked) In the rare instance that a print document is b...
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Will not implement

Data tracking/reporting on embed function in LTi

Please feel free to alter category accordingly as I am uncertain where this would sit as it could be in many areas. We would like the ability to track when the embed list function has been actioned by an academic within the LTi. This would be both...
Jill Hazard about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Reviewed - on hold

Add option to receive alert for new digitization requests

At present, staff need to login daily to check for new digitization requests. It would be great if we could receive an alert/notification via email when a new digitization request is submitted.
Guest about 1 year ago in  TADC 1 Reviewed - on hold

Address a focus or scrolling issue when using keyboard navigation

Using the arrow and other quick navigation keys with a screen reader such as JAWS for Windows to navigate a reading list which is organised by weeks or topics. The content seems to auto-scroll and unexpectedly change screen reader focus. When I re...
Guest 7 months ago in Accessibility 2 Reviewed - on hold

Place of publication to be included in report results

In relation to decolonisation of reading lists, i feel it would be useful for the place of publication information to be pulled through to the results report, if that information is in the metadata. Currently only the publisher information comes t...
Suzanne Beck about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Reviewed - on hold

New resource type: book portions & Combine two tabs for journal articles when bookmarking

We have feedback from an academic: I have spent more than 1 hour to try to add a book portion (NOT a whole chapter) and still could not add it. So, we would like to see an option to add book portion (as a new resource type) with multiple page rang...
Jingyue Wu 7 months ago in Bookmarking 3 Planned

Adding comments to the email sent when assigning a list in reviews

It would be very helpful to be able to add a comment when we assign lists to colleagues for review, if the comment is a general one for the whole list e.g. all chapter pages need updating to the new editions etc. This saves us marking every item f...
Guest 7 months ago in Reviews 1 Future consideration