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Add review stage to reviews notification emails

It would be helpful if the reviews stage could be included in the reviews notification emails when assigning reviews to colleagues. We use stages to manage out of print orders generated from reviews, ebook licence upgrades and some other ebook rel...
Guest 9 days ago in Reviews 1 Future consideration

Status label and information suggested wording changes

Regarding the recent wording implemented for status label and informational text under the list’s title, we wanted to propose some changes to the wording to assist with user comprehension: Current: Draft list : Students can’t see this draft. Propo...
Guest about 1 month ago in Edit List 2 Future consideration

Enable filtering of lists by items with Student Notes

Recently list filtering by items with Library Notes was enabled which has been very useful! We would also find it useful if we could filter by Student Notes too.
Sarah @ AUT 12 days ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

Pre-set text in Complete Review box

Would it be possible to have pre-set text options after clicking the Complete Review button? At the moment we copy and paste a standard message into the box following a review, so having this already set would be very helpful.
Guest 3 months ago in Reviews 1 Future consideration

Digitisation Request form- Pop Up message to confirm CLA limits

We have done a lot of work with our academic colleagues to promote the Request Digitisation function when they need to request a scan. This has resulted in a lot using it but we are receving a lot of requests where someone is requesting a scan of ...
Laura Johnson 2 months ago in DCS Integration 1 Future consideration

Export lists in Word - Bibliography format

Hi My heart skipped a beat when I read about the new option to export lists in Word format. But unfortunately it's not quite what we need :( Our use case is that we need to be able to share editable versions of lists with our franchised partnershi...
Guest about 2 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Adding custom images to list items

There are many items in lists that are not just books. There is currently no way of adding an image to a list item. These items all look very unintuitive and bland without an image attached to them and it remains difficult to foster engagement in ...
Scott Riley about 2 months ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

To be able to Create a bespoke 'Archive' Message for lists for your Tenancy

The current Archive message and colour means any users accessing are assuming they cannot access an archived list. If your VLE set-up allows students to maintain access to all the modules they study on their course year on year then you have to de...
Guest 3 months ago in Branding 1 Future consideration

create a fix to allow for number of student in review be clearer which time period they belong to

We have a roll-over process which involves having multiple time periods being available and published at the same time. However the Review area shows the number of students related to ALL lists that the list item displays on, this means that it co...
Jill Hazard 3 months ago in Reviews 1 Future consideration

Allow customization of warnings on reading lists for where time periods have not yet started.

Terminology and language used is important to our stakeholders and it is important we can update the language used in the time period warnings on lists where the time period has not yet started. Preferably this would be via UI in TARL itself.
Guest 2 months ago in Branding 1 Future consideration