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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal

Edit List

Showing 55

Enable list publishers/Library staff to make copies of the published version of a list

In the absence of an Undo button for accidental section deletion, it would be really useful to be able to make a Copy of the published (rather than Draft) version of a reading list. We often get academics accidentally deleting large sections of th...
Guest about 2 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Changing Filters so importances and online/physical status can be combined

When checking over reading lists at the start of the year, one thing we often want to check is whether all the Essential reading on a given list is available online. At the moment, we can't easily do this using the Filters option, as both the Impo...
Guest 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Feasibility Review

additional functionality in the update all bookmarks option provided

Issue – Currently when we update list items we are informed when the specific bookmark is being used is on multiple lists. As we are usually updating listed created by others (e.g. switching to a print or e edition of a book when it’s available or...
Jill Hazard about 1 month ago in Edit List 3 Future consideration

We'd like to be able to put in our own text at the top of the Feedback form

We would like to reword and add links into the text on the top of the Feedback form for users to guide them to online help, plus different teams in the library according to their issues . The fixed message is not very helpful currently.
Guest about 2 months ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

Ability to move a Published list back to Draft status

We wish to exclude certain lists from our purchasing and reporting workflows. Being able to mark them as draft again would help with this.
T M 7 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Auto-reminder to users to publish a list with status of unpublished changes

It is proposed to have system-generated communication to remind list editors to publish their reading lists if they are left with Unpublished changes.The scope could include:• Lists attached to a current live time period only• Only include lists t...
Guest 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Return to the item after editing its metadata, not the top of the list

After we have edited the metadata for an item on a reading list it would help us if Aspire was to return us to that section of the list, rather than the top of the list. Where we have a long list this would reduce a lot of scrolling.
Guest 25 days ago in Edit List 1 Will not implement

Ebook cover images

We find the book cover images useful for new users in making the lists more attractive to the eye. These work fine when we are including physical books on the list, but as we are increasingly moving to an e-first policy the ISBN no longer has a co...
Ian Haydock over 1 year ago in Edit List 3 Reviewed - on hold

Add a librarian to a list.

Your subject librarian is…” and then link to email/message them.
Katy Maydon 27 days ago in Edit List 1 Already exists

Increase the size of student note

It is small and can get missed.
Katy Maydon 27 days ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration