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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
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Created by Ian Haydock
Created on Oct 4, 2023

Ebook cover images

We find the book cover images useful for new users in making the lists more attractive to the eye. These work fine when we are including physical books on the list, but as we are increasingly moving to an e-first policy the ISBN no longer has a cover image attached to it in Nielsen bookdata. Could the options here be made more flexible? For example, could we give another ISBN for the cover image?

  • Attach files
  • Julie Cole
    Dec 19, 2023

    Sad to see this move to the backlog. As a North American library, we don't use Nielsen book data, so even for physical books it can't locate the cover images. I would love to be able to choose a default (we use Syndetics in our catalog and the lookup is by ISBN) but also with the ability to not just change the ISBN but change the entire URL per item.

  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Dec 7, 2023

    Hi Ian, apologies for the late reply. We have discussed this with our technical team and will move this to the backlog to assess in the future. Best, Georgia

  • Admin
    Kate Broadfield
    Oct 9, 2023

    Hi Ian,

    Thanks so much for your input!

    As we are moving towards integrating instead with your own discovery systems, I will raise a question next week to investigate success rates of eBooks with cover images for any improvement, or alternatives as you've suggested.

