Currently we ask users to manually add the date and their name when they create a 'Note for Library' so librarians know when their note was written and by who.
Unfortunately, our users often forget, and it can be difficult to distinguish new notes from older notes that still need to be on the list, or who to contact when we need to clarify the note information.
It would be very useful if notes were automatically timestamped with the date and creator.
Furthermore, it would be very helpful if multiple 'Notes' and 'Notes FROM Library' could be added to resources so Lecturers and Librarians can reply to each other within Talis without having to change/add on to the end of the one existing Note
eg. to confirm the request/ information has been actioned/ addressed
Likewise, allowing multiple 'Notes to/from Library' to be added would be useful to break-up separate pieces of information that need to be communicated from either the Lecturer and/or the Library
We understand the desire to further enhance notes & communications between library and academic staff. While this had to be de-prioritised from recent work, it will be kept in the backlog for future consideration.