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Add a librarian to a list.

Your subject librarian is…” and then link to email/message them.
Katy Maydon 18 days ago in Edit List 1 Already exists

Add a “I want this” or “buy this book” button

So academics can easily notify the library they would like an item ordered.
Katy Maydon 18 days ago in Advanced Mis 1

Increase the size of student note

It is small and can get missed.
Katy Maydon 18 days ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

More General Customisation

For example: bold text, background colours, different coloured sections, etc. This would allow easier browsing for users and make it better to distinguish between sections.
Katy Maydon 18 days ago in Branding 1 Will not implement

Ability to move a Published list back to Draft status

We wish to exclude certain lists from our purchasing and reporting workflows. Being able to mark them as draft again would help with this.
T M 7 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

OpenURL / Link Resolver: Flexibility in the behaviour and experience

It would be beneficial to have flexibility in the behaviour of the OpenURL within a tenancy. Examples of the flexibility could be in a form of: An exclusions list An option to disable OpenURL for specific bookmarks Option to adjust the appearance ...
Guest 9 months ago in Bookmarking 6 Feasibility Review

Remove the 'Copy list' functionality from list publisher role permissions for academic staff users

We often have academics who will copy existing lists for different (or sometimes unknown) purposes, e.g. to rollover a list, make copy of the list for their own records, to create a list for a different module, which we see as unnecessary and agai...
Guest 11 months ago in User roles and permissions 2 Reviewed - on hold

Rename the "view library holdings" button in digitisation requests

This button recently changed to be more prominent (great) but also to say 'view library holdings' which is confusing because it takes you to the item in the reading list which may or may not show library holdings (for example if the digitisation i...
Chantal Tucker 8 months ago in  TADC 7 Feasibility Review

Bookmarking screen to include 'Note for library' and 'Note for students' fields

It would be really useful to be able to populate the 'Note for library' field (and indeed, the 'Note for students' field as well) at the point of Bookmarking, like we used to be able to do in the old list view. Our academics naturally assume that ...
Julie Beard over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 2 Reviewed - on hold

New Internal Note Field in reports

The new Internal Note Field does not show in the All list items or All item reports. There is a likelihood that our academics may add a note for the library there instead of the usual Note to library because it says "Visible to list editors and li...
Bryn 7 months ago in Reports 3 Feasibility Review