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Status Feasibility Review
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Created by Chantal Tucker
Created on Jun 19, 2024

Rename the "view library holdings" button in digitisation requests

This button recently changed to be more prominent (great) but also to say 'view library holdings' which is confusing because it takes you to the item in the reading list which may or may not show library holdings (for example if the digitisation is supplied via EHESS there will not be holdings). Please change this back to view item in reading list!

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  • Beth Leighton
    Oct 10, 2024

    Agree with these comments. The wording is confusing.

  • Bex Carruthers
    Oct 9, 2024

    Deakin agree, View Library Holdings suggests it will go to the library catalogue. When this change was made, initially our team thought that the functionality to go to the reading list item had been removed.

  • Bryn
    Oct 9, 2024

    QUT agree as well, View Library Holdings does not go to library holdings, so it is definitely misnamed

  • Sarah @ AUT
    Jul 30, 2024

    I agree, labelling the button "View library holdings" is an odd choice when it links to list records, rather than library records. Why was it even changed from "View item in reading list"?

  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Jun 20, 2024

    Hi both, thank you for your feedback. We will discuss the option with our development team. Best, the Product Team

  • Nicky Ransom
    Jun 19, 2024

    I'm in agreement with this. If I wanted to check our holdings, I'd go to our catalogue because whoever added the item to the reading list may not have bookmarked it from the catalogue. But I do use this to go to the reading list and view any student or library notes or comments for the item and to see it in the context of the whole reading list. So I would prefer this to go back to "View item in reading list" as well, because that's what the link does.

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