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More General Customisation

For example: bold text, background colours, different coloured sections, etc. This would allow easier browsing for users and make it better to distinguish between sections.
Katy Maydon about 1 month ago in Branding 1 Will not implement

View Later Editions - accuracy

I was wondering if the notes for 'View Later Editions' and 'Newer Editions may be available' could be looked at? To me, 'View later editions' suggests 'newer' editions, but when clicking on the link it rarely links to newer editions. Also, there i...
Anne-Marie Shiels 9 months ago in Reviews 1 Reviewed - on hold

Pre-set text in Complete Review box

Would it be possible to have pre-set text options after clicking the Complete Review button? At the moment we copy and paste a standard message into the box following a review, so having this already set would be very helpful.
Guest 8 months ago in Reviews 3 Future consideration

Option to view Outcomes in the Resource info tab

Having the review outcomes in a separate tab means it takes us longer to process a review. Previously, we could just glance down and see any outcomes on the Resource info tab, rather than needing to click into a separate tab. We would like the opt...
Alexandra Marshall 10 months ago in Reviews 1 Reviewed - on hold

Integrating Bookshare API into Talis lists or Reviews

RNIB have an API to check for accessible copies on their platform. Is this something that could be integrated into Talis Aspire? We'd be interested in having it available in both the Reviews interface for Library staff, and in the student/academic...
Robin Farndon 4 months ago in Accessibility 1 Future consideration

include all fields in the List Edit Details in the All Lists report

All fields in the List Edit Details (screenshot attached) are included in the All Lists report except 2: Description Internal Note Both of these fields would be beneficial if included in the All Lists report. I know there is another idea for inclu...
Guest 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Add ability to change icons for Library and Student notes

In consultation with stakeholders on our Indigenising Curriculum reading list, a question was raised on whether it was possible to change the icons for Library and Student notes to something less aggressively Western. The specific suggestion made ...
Kia Owens over 1 year ago in Branding 1 Reviewed - on hold

★ Enable individual sections on lists to be hidden/visible only to staff

Many of our users would like the ability to make individual sections 'staff view only' aka 'not visible to students' even when the list is published. Hidden sections could be indicated by the standard 'eye-icon' that most users are familiar with. ...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 5 Reviewed - on hold

Add option to not send instructor message upon completing review

We email the instructor upon completion of a review. It would be nice if there was an option to not send the message that is auto-generated upon completing a review, so the instructor doesn't receive two emails about their list. This is also helpf...
Guest 2 months ago in Reviews 1 Pending review

Colour coded bookmarks

It would be useful to be able to colour code bookmarks in a list, as aside from adding in a 'note for students' there's not really any way of emphasizing the importance of a particular bookmark in a list. For instance, I am currently editing a lis...
Guest 4 months ago in Bookmarking 3 Moved to Operations