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Add 'Selected Pages' as a 'Resource Type' in reading list and change Page fields for 'From-To' to just 'Pages'ages

Currently the 'Resource type' in the metadata of a resource on a reading list has chapter, article, document etc. There are many times when a list owner requests selected random pages that are not a whole chapter and it is difficult to show that. ...
Karen O'Donoghue over 1 year ago in  TADC 2 Future consideration

Add an 'OCR' filter to the digitisations 'Requests report'

Currently, we upload all digitisations with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) applied to support accessibility. Within each digitisation, there is a function to detect if the scan has OCR or not. It would be useful if there was also an 'OCR' fil...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in  TADC 1 Reviewed - on hold

Allow for multiple entries to be added to the criteria fields when creating reports

We have the need to exclude a large number of modules from having their RLOs archived. the current work around suggested is a lot of additional work, and may not be possible for some based on restrictions at their institution (ability to install a...
Jill Hazard 9 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

LTI to item level

In Desire2Learn (D2L) we can insert LTIs within HTML pages (Via the insert quick links button). It would be great to be able to LTI link to a specific item, which will then roll to the new version when unit sites and lists rollover. Reason: We hav...
Guest 9 months ago in LTI 4 Will not implement

To be able to Create a bespoke 'Archive' Message for lists for your Tenancy

The current Archive message and colour means any users accessing are assuming they cannot access an archived list. If your VLE set-up allows students to maintain access to all the modules they study on their course year on year then you have to de...
Guest 6 months ago in Branding 1 Future consideration

Add Country of Publication to digitisation Request report

We'd like to see the country of publication in the Course Requests report in Talis Digitised Content. We are starting to use this report to identify US Publications which will need annual checks to ensure that electronic copies have not become ava...
Kim Coles over 1 year ago in  TADC 2 Reviewed - on hold

Remove ‘short title’ being included in the meta data fields bookmarked from journals

Currently when bookmarking from a journal, Talis automatically includes the field 'Short title' under the 'part of journal' section. As the full title of the journal displays there is no need for a short title version. It is not considered relevan...
Karen O'Donoghue 11 months ago in Bookmarking 3 Will not implement

Customized cover images

Possibility to upload cover images for List items. Right now only a few resources will generate cover images in the list (mainly paper books), we would like to have an option to upload images. This would be a lot more visually attractive for stude...
Niels Holtkamp over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Reviewed - on hold

create a fix to allow for number of student in review be clearer which time period they belong to

We have a roll-over process which involves having multiple time periods being available and published at the same time. However the Review area shows the number of students related to ALL lists that the list item displays on, this means that it co...
Jill Hazard 7 months ago in Reviews 1 Future consideration

Colour coded bookmarks

It would be useful to be able to colour code bookmarks in a list, as aside from adding in a 'note for students' there's not really any way of emphasizing the importance of a particular bookmark in a list. For instance, I am currently editing a lis...
Guest 2 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Moved to Operations