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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories Bookmarking
Created by Karen O'Donoghue
Created on Mar 14, 2024

Amend the ISSN populated from bookmarking to include the dash eg 1234-5678

Currently when bookmarking from a journal, Talis includes the ISSN data without a dash after the first four digits. Library catalogues, publishers and journal sites display an ISSN in the format of 1234-5678 (including the dash) whereas Talis is displaying it as 12345678. There could be possible confusion that it is a book ISBN when the dash is not included. To be in alignment with all publishing and library records the inclusion of the dash would be an improvement to the bookmarking system.

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  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Mar 14, 2024

    Hi Karen, thanks for your idea. We will be considering this as part of our future Bookmarking theme of work. Best, Georgia (Product Manager)