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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories Bookmarking
Created by Stuart Sharp
Created on Jun 12, 2024

When bookmarking books to include ISBNs with 020 |z's in RDA records as well as 020 |a's

A lot of the large record downloads from suppliers and other sources set ISBNs for e-books with |z (used for faulty ISBNs) at the front, not |a's. This is because the ISBNs are not in the actual e-book text (an absurd and pointless cataloguing practice that still persists despite NISO recently suggesting it is out-of-date). The ISBNs do appear in the public records but currently only 020 |a's are added to item records when bookmarking.

The lack of these valid ISBNs in items is a nuisance when trying to data match in Reports and Excel.

It would be great if when bookmarking books for the ISBNs with |z's to be added to the item as well as any 020 |a's to improve items and the data for academics and students.

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  • Guest
    Jun 21, 2024

    Agreed that the cataloguing practice around e-book ISBNs is unhelpful but we're stuck with it so it would be great if Aspire would accommodate the use of the ISBNs in |z where there is no |a (or in addition to |a).

  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Jun 13, 2024

    Hi Stuart, we will review this in our upcoming Bookmarking theme. Thanks!

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