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Note For Library - see reporter + get alert when note has been added to reading list

We don't currently assign list owners to reading lists, so can't see who has added a Note for Library. It would also be helpful to have (optional) ability to turn on functionality to send alert when Note to Library has been added.
Guest 11 months ago in Edit List 1 Planned

Pin the yellow "Unpublished Changes" bar so it is visible when scrolling down list

The yellow "Unpublished changes!" warning bar is a great idea in theory, but when list editors scroll down a long list, it quickly disappears from view. We still get huge numbers of lists inadvertently left by academics with unpublished changes (w...
Guest 5 months ago in Edit List 3 Will not implement

Ability to set an institutional level retention period for storage of bookmarks by list editors and creators

We've had a number of problems related to bookmarks over the years, where our list creators and editor have used older bookmarks without checking whether the links work. This is particularly a problem when switching suppliers, such as when Dawsone...
Jill Hazard 7 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Bookmarking print and ebook in one go

Where we have a title in both print and ebook format, I'd love if we could make bookmarklet pick up the LCN for the print version, so we get copy and availability info in the bookmark, but also pick up the 856 $u URL or the Uresolver link for the ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 8 Feasibility Review

Error page dead-end update

Currently when a user attempts to access a page which does not exist in Talis (either it never did or has been removed), they are presented with a green page 404 error: Error! Something has gone wrong, and our team has been notified. 404: Not Foun...
Natalie Hull about 1 year ago in Accessibility 2 Reviewed - on hold

Integration for library system for tagging

Users in the APAC region have been looking to implement a tagging system for identifying Indigenous content in the curriculum. It would be useful if there was integration with the library management system (WMS in our case) to be able see this tag...
Suzanne Bailey about 1 year ago in Importances 2 Reviewed - on hold

Add review stage to reviews notification emails

It would be helpful if the reviews stage could be included in the reviews notification emails when assigning reviews to colleagues. We use stages to manage out of print orders generated from reviews, ebook licence upgrades and some other ebook rel...
Guest 3 months ago in Reviews 1 Future consideration

Limiting academic permissions in Editing List Details

Currently, academics have the permission to modify the time period and change the title (course code) in the "Edit list details" section. We suggest that academics should not have permission to edit list details, including changing the time period...
Grace Fu 7 months ago in User roles and permissions 1 Reviewed - on hold

Adding custom images to list items

There are many items in lists that are not just books. There is currently no way of adding an image to a list item. These items all look very unintuitive and bland without an image attached to them and it remains difficult to foster engagement in ...
Scott Riley 4 months ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

All bookmark resource types should have the option to change author from Dual Field to Single Field

Some bookmark types (eg Book) have the option, when first bookmarking, to change the Author field from Dual Field to Single Field. For other bookmark types (eg Document), when first adding an Author field it can only be added as Dual Field; the op...
Guest 11 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold