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Move the 'additional fields' button above the Resource lookup field in the bookmarking screen

In the new bookmarking screen the 'additional fields' button takes a lot of scrolling to find and it would be better if it was higher up the page. We would like it to sit above the 'Resource lookup' field, under the 'Link to' button. We've include...
Sarah Halliday 5 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Planned

Ability to download spreadsheet of user accounts in TADC for audit

In the TADC Admin > Users screen, it would be helpful to have a button to download the list of user details, current account status and current permission levels to CSV. We need to ensure that Aspire roles are removed from accounts where the st...
Lynette Reville 5 months ago in  TADC 1 Future consideration

Option to run a Talis digitised extracts report showing the Talis extract request id as well as the DCS id - see screenshot

We'd like to be able to run a report linking the Talis request ID to the corresponding DCS request ID. Currently we can only see this information when we go into each individual request id on the DCS/Talis integration - see screen shot integration...
Guest over 1 year ago in DCS Integration 3 Future consideration

Enable filtering of lists by items with Student Notes

Recently list filtering by items with Library Notes was enabled which has been very useful! We would also find it useful if we could filter by Student Notes too.
Sarah @ AUT 5 months ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

Edit 'Request a review' notification

When you click to request a review from a reading list - the current message displayed is Request review To review student numbers associated with this list, select 'Hierarchy and student numbers' in the edit menu. Please can we have the ability t...
jacqui Hunt 11 months ago in self-serve beta 0 Self-serve feedback

Prompt users for identifier and Source of upload

When users add a new resource to Talis Elevate, we'd like users to be prompted to identify: if the resource is created by them/The university for this course OR If the resource is a published work, allowing them to include a known identifer for th...
Bex Carruthers 11 months ago in Elevate 0

Site configurable label text for 'Add Resource' search function

We would like the wording for 'Search by title, author, or ISBN-13' to be site configurable so that it is clear to instructors/staff what exactly is being searched. For instance, a more useful label text for Douglas College might be 'Search OneSea...
Kristina Long over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Hierarchy parent codes included in All List reports

Hi Talis, It would be really useful for us if the All Lists report included both the list's Hierarchy and it's parent Hierarchy in the report's results. This would help us divide the list data by subject schools much easier utilising the hierarchy...
Andrew Manton-Maund over 1 year ago in Reports 3 Reviewed - on hold

LTi search screens seen by academics

Hello, we have LTi 1.3 now embedded in our VLE blackboard environment. We have had experiences some issues where there was no RLO for the module in our system and when staff saw the search box an not knowing what to do about it and what it means. ...
Jill Hazard over 1 year ago in LTI 1 Reviewed - on hold

Custom footer in branding console

As a library wanting to follow its visual identity guidelines we would like to be able to add a custom footer either above or below the standard Talis Aspire footer or in place of it. The standard footer for our institution includes Indigenous fla...
Suzanne Bailey over 1 year ago in Branding 2 Reviewed - on hold