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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal

Edit List

Showing 55

Stop going back to the start of the list when a bookmark is edited

As I have to often edit bookmarks on very long lists, it would be useful if once a bookmark was edited and saved, the page would return to the point in the list where the bookmark is, rather than sending me back up to the top of the list. This get...
Guest 3 months ago in Edit List 6 Future consideration

Hide publish button when list is fully published

I’d like to suggest a change to how the publish button is displayed in the Talis Aspire reading lists. Currently the publish button remains highlighted at all times, which makes it unclear whether something has actually been published. Would it be...
Lisa Buchanan 28 days ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

include all fields in the List Edit Details in the All Lists report

All fields in the List Edit Details (screenshot attached) are included in the All Lists report except 2: Description Internal Note Both of these fields would be beneficial if included in the All Lists report. I know there is another idea for inclu...
Guest 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

★ Enable individual sections on lists to be hidden/visible only to staff

Many of our users would like the ability to make individual sections 'staff view only' aka 'not visible to students' even when the list is published. Hidden sections could be indicated by the standard 'eye-icon' that most users are familiar with. ...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 5 Reviewed - on hold

Status label and information suggested wording changes

Regarding the recent wording implemented for status label and informational text under the list’s title, we wanted to propose some changes to the wording to assist with user comprehension: Current: Draft list : Students can’t see this draft. Propo...
Guest 6 months ago in Edit List 2 Future consideration

IMPROVE don't REMOVE the 'yellow publish banner'

In the August product update it was noted that the 'yellow publish banner' would be removed, with only the constant list status and publish button remaining to make things less cluttered. This is not preferable -- the yellow publish banner needs t...
Sarah @ AUT 6 months ago in Edit List 3 Will not implement

Note For Library - see reporter + get alert when note has been added to reading list

We don't currently assign list owners to reading lists, so can't see who has added a Note for Library. It would also be helpful to have (optional) ability to turn on functionality to send alert when Note to Library has been added.
Guest about 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Planned

Ability to 'cut & paste' sections of a reading list into another reading list. I work on multiple programmes where my subject is one of several within a module, each of which has its own, specific reading list associated. With the current set-up, this means that my texts need to be painstakingly added to each. functionality that enables you to lift whole sections (or a link to all/part of another reading list) would save huge amounts of time each year.

Subject Leads; Module Leads; Programme Leads; Those working on a portfolio of courses
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Back-up copies of previous versions of lists

A new member of academic staff recently deleted several sections and numerous resources from two reading lists by accident. There is currently no way of reverting to the previous versions of these lists, as Talis does not keep any back-ups. We can...
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Reviewed - on hold

Add ability to hide sections of the list from student view

Some of our academics would like the ability to temporarily hide sections of their lists from students’ view. This would allow them to choose which content to display at certain times of the academic year. Some of their lists are very long, and ev...
Kasia Szostak 3 months ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration