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Showing 265

Resource type bulk update

With a new Resource types introduced recently (Database, Report, Newspaper, Object) will it be possible to update/change resource type in bulk for items which are already on reading lists?
Edyta Krol about 2 months ago in Bookmarking 3 Will not implement

Please automate daily ingestion of EZproxy stanza data into Aspire as is already done for Lean Library

Our EZproxy stanza data is sent automatically to Lean Library from Alma on a daily basis. Are there any plans to make this data available to Talis Aspire? We are currently faced with spending time every week, checking and then either whitelisting ...
T M 11 months ago in Proxy 0 Moved to Operations

Ability to set an institutional level retention period for storage of bookmarks by list editors and creators

We've had a number of problems related to bookmarks over the years, where our list creators and editor have used older bookmarks without checking whether the links work. This is particularly a problem when switching suppliers, such as when Dawsone...
Jill Hazard 10 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Change reply address in own institute's email addres

I would like to customize the reply address from messages of the Talis application to our own institute's email address . The reply address is now, but our docents and students have no idea what talisaspire is, so they don'...
Jan Kluivingh over 1 year ago in User roles and permissions 3 Reviewed - on hold

Back-up copies of previous versions of lists

A new member of academic staff recently deleted several sections and numerous resources from two reading lists by accident. There is currently no way of reverting to the previous versions of these lists, as Talis does not keep any back-ups. We can...
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Reviewed - on hold

All bookmark resource types should have the option to change author from Dual Field to Single Field

Some bookmark types (eg Book) have the option, when first bookmarking, to change the Author field from Dual Field to Single Field. For other bookmark types (eg Document), when first adding an Author field it can only be added as Dual Field; the op...
Guest about 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Limiting academic permissions in Editing List Details

Currently, academics have the permission to modify the time period and change the title (course code) in the "Edit list details" section. We suggest that academics should not have permission to edit list details, including changing the time period...
Grace Fu 10 months ago in User roles and permissions 1 Reviewed - on hold

Display Author names with consistency

I've noticed that when you create a manual entry in Talis you are given a format to enter the author names as: Author (first name, surname) But this then causes a mismatch in how the author details are displayed when you use the Add Resource butto...
Guest 4 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Customized cover images

Possibility to upload cover images for List items. Right now only a few resources will generate cover images in the list (mainly paper books), we would like to have an option to upload images. This would be a lot more visually attractive for stude...
Niels Holtkamp over 1 year ago in Edit List 3 Reviewed - on hold

Add ability to hide sections of the list from student view

Some of our academics would like the ability to temporarily hide sections of their lists from students’ view. This would allow them to choose which content to display at certain times of the academic year. Some of their lists are very long, and ev...
Kasia Szostak 4 months ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration