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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories User Profiles
Created by Sarah @ AUT
Created on Sep 13, 2023

Make the 'Last Login' column sortable in All User Profiles & enable Active/Inactive labelling

Currently there is no quick way of telling if a profile is defunct other than the 'Last Login Date', yet this does not distinguish between 'disused' profiles and 'no longer in use' profiles.

It would be very helpful if:

  • the 'Last Login' column in 'All User Profiles' was sortable

  • profiles were automatically labelled as 'active' by default when they are created (eg. with a tick visible to only staff/ not visible in students view of the list)

  • system administrators could re-label profiles as inactive (eg. removing tick) when someone resigns/retires from the organisation

  • a new 'Status' column and/or filter was added in 'All User Profiles', so results can be sorted/filtered as active or inactive

This would make it clear which users we need to engage with (active user not logging in), and indicate when a list has been rolled over with a resigned list owner (inactive user).

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  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Jan 11, 2024

    Hi Sarah, we have reviewed this ticket and it will not fall into our current roadmap for 2024. Best, Georgia