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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories Edit List
Created by Chrissie Ley Hughes
Created on Nov 16, 2023

Add a column in the All items download that identifies if it is a resource or paragragh

We do not work from the reviews function of TALIS as we don't have a dedicated person/team within the library. We work from an All items download list to identify training issues with list creators, for tidy up projects or for lists of potential purchases based on metadata within the list. We would like to be able to identify rows on the export that have been added as paragraphs so we can either check to ensure they are not resources added incorrectly OR to eliminate for other set tidy up tasks etc. We would like to see a column added to specify "resource" or "paragraph"

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  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Nov 23, 2023

    HI Chrissie, thanks for your feedback. We will be revisiting this next year when we look at making some improvements to Reporting in 2024. Best, Georgia (Product Manager)