As a library staff member, I want to be able to run reports that utilise the Talis Aspire integration with WMS and Reading lists so that I can:
Use "inclusion on a reading list" as criteria for generating reports to inform deselection projects (or be able to output the data in a report)
Identify resources be moved/removed from a course reserve shelf location at each campus library.
WMS only knows which titles are on reading lists in the user interface, but this cannot be reported on. Talis Aspire knows which titles are recommended readings, but does not know which campus they are at or the call number.
We are currently merging reports from different sources (WMS, Talis, Student system) in Excel and Tableau. It would be useful if the integration could be expanding to reporting functionality. This has been logged as an enhancement with OCLC too.
Hi Suzanne. At the moment this will require development from OCLC, so we have moved this out of our backlog.
If OCLC complete this development we will be happy to look again at this in the future
Talis Product Team
Hi, Suzanne,
Thank you again for your idea.
Just an update that we have put this in the backlog for future consideration.
the Product Team
Thanks Scott, sounds good. To clarify this request in relation to deselection needs, we would like to be able to see the all the time periods that an item was on a reading list, not just the current list / active time period. There is a tenancy setting which can restrict the existing discovery/WMS integration to only display lists from the active time period (we have this switched on). This is the ideal configuration for discovery, but for a reporting integration we would want to see the most data for the most recent x years.
Thank you for your timely suggestion. We had a meeting with OCLC earlier this week and I raised this issue with them. We have agreed to discuss it further later in 2024 after we have released some course reserves functionality that is planned.