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Bulk downloading pdfs from TADC

Is it possible in Talis Aspire to download all scans for a list. The one I want is actually archived. It has a huge number of scans attached so I'm hoping there is a way to do this bulk but I can't see a way. I know I can do them individually but ...
Beth Leighton 9 months ago in  TADC 1 Future consideration

Add a 'Peer Reviewed' label to Articles/Journals based on ISSN

Currently, if we want to indicate an article/journal is peer-reviewed, we need to communciate this through a 'Note to students'. It would be very useful if Articles/Journals were automatically tagged with a 'Peer-reviewed' label based on their ISS...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Addressed feedback

Limit the available 'Add field' options based on the Resource type selected

Currently, all possible 'Add field' options are able to added to the metadata window regardless of what resource type has been selected. To enhance the user experience, it would be helpful if only the fields necessary to reference the selected res...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Planned

Enable system administrators to add, edit, and remove Time Periods themselves

It would be useful if system administrators could add, edit, and remove Time Periods on their tenancies themselves.
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Time Periods 1 Planned

Remove/Change the 'Feedback' menu option

We don't want our users to use the Feedback form to ask for help. We have other channels we want them to use instead eg. ServiceNow Please remove the 'Feedback' menu option, or allow each tenancy to change it to something of their choice (eg. a li...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Branding 1 Will not implement

Add a 'Part Title' filter to the All List Items screen to enable searching by Chapter or Article name

Currently, the 'Item Title' filter in the All List Items screen only searches based on Book/Journal names. If we want to find or check list items by Chapter/Article name, we have to export a CSV file.. It would be much appreciated if there was an ...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Reviewed - on hold

Change the colour of the 'Unpublished changes!' warning bar

Unfortunately our users often miss the 'Unpublished changes!' bar on lists as the yellow colour makes it look like a non-urgent 'status update' (like the blue bar 'A review has been request') rather than an important alert that they need to do som...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Will not implement

Delete this idea

This idea is now redundant.
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Change the wording of 'linked to Code' to 'tagged as Code' or '#Code'

Currently when a list is associated with a Hierarchy Code, it says 'linked to Hierarchy-Code'. Unfortunately, our users misunderstand this to mean the list has been successfully linked to their Canvas course. To avoid this confusion, please change...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Hierarchy 0 Reviewed - on hold

Change the 'Private' label to a different colour

Currently when a list is made 'Private' it has a red label. Our users find the red colour unsettling, as this usually indicates that something is wrong, or there is an error. Could the colour of the red label please be changed? For example, using ...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Privacy 2 Reviewed - on hold