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Change automated notification emails so they aren't mistaken for Spam/Scams

When a lecturer is assigned as the List Owner of a reading list, they receive this automated message: ""Congratulations John Smith, You have been assigned as the owner of the reading list TALIS101 - Talis Aspire (
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in User roles and permissions 2 Future consideration

Add heading levels to the PDF export of a reading list

The PDF export of a reading list does not contain heading levels which would enable screen reader users to navigate to different sections using quick navigation keys. This makes it extremely time-consuming to try locate or access the readings for ...
Guest 8 months ago in Accessibility 2 Feasibility Review

Filter Reviews by presence/absence of note for library

Hej! Our TA subscription is currently set up to send automatic review requests when new lists are published. We want also, however, to regulate the workload of our information specialist by being able to prioritise for review those lists that have...
Robin Straaijer 12 months ago in Reviews 4 Reviewed - on hold

Enable the possibility for updating the hierarchy via API

We think it would be beneficial to the community to have the ability to add and update the hierarchy in Talis via API. Allowing API calls to add/update the hierarchy would allow us to more closely integrate Talis with Central IT Systems, and allow...
Alan Dawson over 1 year ago in Hierarchy 2 Reviewed - on hold

Request for Consistency in Bookmarking Experience from Catalogue

We use Talis Aspire and OCLC and have identified inconsistencies in the bookmarking experience from the catalogue. This issue did not occur when we used Sierra. Here are the specifics: eBooks: When bookmarking from the catalogue, it defaults to "O...
Grace Fu 8 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Planned

A request for building in a function/option for the upcoming Mandatory Importance field

Hello, When watching the September update I spotted that the Mandatory importance feature would be arriving soon. We really like the idea, but given our working pattern we would like it but we would like it to have the following option/function : ...
Jill Hazard over 1 year ago in Importances 9 Feasibility Review

Addition to 'importance' options

We generate reports based on importance not set to aid ordering workflows. Some lists contain items such as databases and so the importance options are not relevant. Could an additional 'importance' option such as 'Online resource' or 'Library res...
Guest over 1 year ago in Importances 3 Already exists

Add Report on items flagged with the new editions alert

A cross-tenancy report detailing all items flagged with the new editions alert status would be incredibly useful to us as part of our acquisitions process. We currently have to go in to each individual talis review in order to find this informatio...
Phil Davis about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Reviewed - on hold

Allow replacement copies of digitisations to be uploaded after semester has ended/item is EXPIRED

Hi all, At UQ recently we've been doing a project to review a lot of our previously scanned content to quality check and replace them with newer higher quality versions. Today we noticed that Talis does not allow you to upload new copies for items...
Kia Owens 8 months ago in  TADC 1 Future consideration

Allowing list to be unpublished and publish again

We would like to be able to have faculty be able to publish and unpublish lists, so that they do not need to archive material between semester and create copies. If they know that a list will be active again in two semester, then unpublishing the ...
Alicia Arding over 1 year ago in Accessibility 1 Reviewed - on hold