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Showing 131

Enable list publishers/Library staff to make copies of the published version of a list

In the absence of an Undo button for accidental section deletion, it would be really useful to be able to make a Copy of the published (rather than Draft) version of a reading list. We often get academics accidentally deleting large sections of th...
Guest about 1 month ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Making "Request review" more prominent for academic staff

Following a number of generally helpful cosmetic enhancements I feel the prompt to "request review" has become a little lost, leading to an increase in lists not being sent to review. Whilst we can pick these up as part of our reporting it would b...
Nick Gates about 1 month ago in Reviews 2 Reviewed - on hold

The ability to copy and paste an existing bookmarked item or section within the same list or in a different list

At the moment, we can only cut and paste an item within the list however, often academics would like to repeat an item in different parts of the list (especially if divided into sections by weeks). There is no way of doing this. If it is in a pers...
Guest 8 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Reviewed - on hold

Copying sections and bookmarks in bulk into another list

This is something we've wanted for quite some time for a variety of reasons: Able to more quickly deal with requests to take two or more lists and merge them together for a new module e.g. where course revalidation results in two 15 credit modules...
Sarah Purcell over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 11 Reviewed - on hold

Library notes date/time stamped

It is often impossible to figure out how long a library note has been in a Talis review for - an automatic date/time stamp from whenever a user adds a library note would be really helpful to help solve this problem. As library staff, we do add the...
jacqui Hunt about 1 year ago in Reviews 3 Reviewed - on hold

Ability to select multiple fields to add when updating metadata

Staff would benefit from being able to add multiple fields at the same time when updating metadata, rather than adding each field separately.
Guest 14 days ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Ability to move a Published list back to Draft status

We wish to exclude certain lists from our purchasing and reporting workflows. Being able to mark them as draft again would help with this.
T M 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Auto-reminder to users to publish a list with status of unpublished changes

It is proposed to have system-generated communication to remind list editors to publish their reading lists if they are left with Unpublished changes.The scope could include:• Lists attached to a current live time period only• Only include lists t...
Guest 5 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Remove the 'Copy list' functionality from list publisher role permissions for academic staff users

We often have academics who will copy existing lists for different (or sometimes unknown) purposes, e.g. to rollover a list, make copy of the list for their own records, to create a list for a different module, which we see as unnecessary and agai...
Guest 10 months ago in User roles and permissions 2 Reviewed - on hold

Bookmarking screen to include 'Note for library' and 'Note for students' fields

It would be really useful to be able to populate the 'Note for library' field (and indeed, the 'Note for students' field as well) at the point of Bookmarking, like we used to be able to do in the old list view. Our academics naturally assume that ...
Julie Beard over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 2 Reviewed - on hold