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Allow recently deleted lists to be retrieved in order to prevent permanent accidental deletions.

When culling reading lists, especially when deciding between two that have been created with the same/similar names, it is easy to delete the wrong one. It would be helpful to have a retrieval feature in which recently deleted lists could be resto...
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Short URLs for sharing reading lists

At the moment Talis RL links are very long strings of alphanumerics. A shortened version to share more elegantly would look very nice. E.g. rather than
Guest over 1 year ago in Branding 1 Reviewed - on hold

option to change author to editor field without having to re-enter the information

Book editors are sometimes entered as authors so it would be great if you could somehow switch them to the editor without deleting the author and re-entering the information into an editor field. this would save time if there were a lot of correct...
Sally Watt over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Being able to easily see all added List Publishers

Would be useful to be able to easily see all current list publishers attached to a list, to prevent us from adding a current publisher again when a new request comes in (staff sometimes request to have their full team added, and some may already h...
Guest over 1 year ago in User Profiles 1 Reviewed - on hold

Move sections as a whole using drag and drop, same as resources.

I have had several instructors complain that moving sections in a reading list is very tedious, as you have to repeatedly click on move down/up and then the sections travel through other sections, not right below or above the next section. My curr...
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 12 Reviewed - on hold

Add a toggle to allow tenants to choose if they want List Creators to automatically be List Owners

My understanding is that List Creators are not automatically assigned as List Owners because one client requested that this be so. However, it would be great if there could be a toggle where clients could choose. We are trying to make list creatio...
Julie Cole over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Reviewed - on hold

System wide alert or custom notification

We would like the ability to apply a system wide alert or custom message across the reading list system for notification of downtime and other important user-facing communications. Ideally this message would flow via the LTI into our Learning Mana...
Suzanne Bailey over 1 year ago in LTI 1 Reviewed - on hold

Integrate with LibKey Nomad (Third Iron)

LibKey nomad is a great tool to facilitate getting access to library subscribed content. It is integrated with Ex Libris Leganto, and eReserve It can only be entered as an openURL option in T...
Bex Carruthers over 1 year ago in Proxy 1 Reviewed - on hold

no forced reviews for updated lists

Hello, At present we are working with forced Reviews, and since we're relatievely new to using Talis Aspire in our institution, we'd like to keep it that way for the time being. However, the fact that notification emails come in every time a list ...
Robin Straaijer 10 months ago in Reviews 2 Reviewed - on hold

Allow Systems Administrators to be able to un-archive single lists

We bulk archive lists every year, we do so based on the previous academic year at the start of the current academic year to avoid confusion for students and academics. However, occasionally academics come back and want that list to be active again...
Jill Hazard over 1 year ago in  2 Reviewed - on hold