Automatically archive associated review when a list is archived
This is an update to idea PROD-I-474. When a list is archived, could the review module also update the status of the review to archived and remove it from the list of current reviews? At the moment, when a list is archived, the review still displa...
Nicky Ransom
8 months ago
in Reviews
Future consideration
It is currently possible to generate a reading list from a RIS file. It would be good if this could be created from other files, such as Word documents. Module supervisors will often compile a reading list within a word document when submitting ne...
8 months ago
in Edit List
Reviewed - on hold
e.g., uploading a file of titles and getting back a report detailing where titles appear on reading lists Through the current reporting on Talis Aspire we are able to search for titles on an individual basis, but we would like functionality that a...
8 months ago
in Reports
Reviewed - on hold
Make it mandatory for resources to be placed in sections in lists
To ensure lists are organised effectively, I suggest making it mandatory for resources to be placed in sections. We often find that users successively add resources to 'the bottom of the list' (as this is the 'default' option when using 'Create an...
Sarah @ AUT
over 1 year ago
Reviewed - on hold
Add ability to add a comment when accepting a referred digitisation request
Scenario - a digitisation request has been referred as existing copy available. It would be good to add a note stating why you accept the digitisation request (eg. limited concurrent user ebook for large cohort of students, etc.)
In the same way that there is a 'go to top' tab, it would be useful to have a 'go to bottom' tab at the top of reading lists. Useful when working on long lists, after publishing, searching from bottom upwards, etc
Dee McMahon
over 1 year ago
in Edit List
Reviewed - on hold
Disable downloads on a resource-by-resource level using TACC
Occasionally we have PDFs we would like to add to Talis, but the vendor requests that users can't download these files. It would be great if we could make some files read only.
Liz Hellsing
8 months ago
Will not implement
Add 'previous' and 'next' page buttons to top of requests page in TADC.
There are currently 'previous' and 'next' page buttons at the bottom of the requests page in TADC. But it would also be helpful to have them at the top to save scrolling.
Liz Hellsing
8 months ago
Feasibility Review
Is it possible in Talis Aspire to download all scans for a list. The one I want is actually archived. It has a huge number of scans attached so I'm hoping there is a way to do this bulk but I can't see a way. I know I can do them individually but ...
Beth Leighton
8 months ago
Future consideration
Add a 'Peer Reviewed' label to Articles/Journals based on ISSN
Currently, if we want to indicate an article/journal is peer-reviewed, we need to communciate this through a 'Note to students'. It would be very useful if Articles/Journals were automatically tagged with a 'Peer-reviewed' label based on their ISS...
Sarah @ AUT
over 1 year ago
in Edit List
Addressed feedback