Add 'previous' and 'next' page buttons to top of requests page in TADC.
There are currently 'previous' and 'next' page buttons at the bottom of the requests page in TADC. But it would also be helpful to have them at the top to save scrolling.
Liz Hellsing
8 months ago
Feasibility Review
Is it possible in Talis Aspire to download all scans for a list. The one I want is actually archived. It has a huge number of scans attached so I'm hoping there is a way to do this bulk but I can't see a way. I know I can do them individually but ...
Beth Leighton
8 months ago
Future consideration
Configure default dates in standalone digitisation form
Currently the standalone digitisation form prepopulates the start and end date for a request as today's and tomorrow's date respectively. This will never reflect the actual dates required and creates confusion. Ideally we would like to be able to ...
Chantal Tucker
9 months ago
Reviewed - on hold
When using the 'search by' function in TADC the search parameters are currently restricted to 'request no.', 'course' or 'requester' Is it possible to broaden this to include ISBN, title of work or author at least? Other search terms such as publi...
Justin Gwinnett
12 months ago
Feasibility Review
Warning message for deleting items with active/pending digitisation request
Recently an academic deleted a number of reading list items with digitisations attached, but there was no warning for them (beyond the standard item deletion message), and no indication to us that this had happened until we were checking the link ...
Chantal Tucker
about 1 year ago
Reviewed - on hold
Add option to receive alert for new digitization requests
At present, staff need to login daily to check for new digitization requests. It would be great if we could receive an alert/notification via email when a new digitization request is submitted.
about 1 year ago
Reviewed - on hold
Ability to set a minimum amount of time with the 'Needed By' digitisation function
As admins we can restrict the year dates, but not the amount of notice given for a digitisation. We use the time between the 'Needed by' and 'Live' dates as performance measures, and we would really like to be able to put some restrictions in to i...
Annushka Donin
about 1 year ago
Reviewed - on hold
Add ability to add a comment when accepting a referred digitisation request
Scenario - a digitisation request has been referred as existing copy available. It would be good to add a note stating why you accept the digitisation request (eg. limited concurrent user ebook for large cohort of students, etc.)
Add 'Selected Pages' as a 'Resource Type' in reading list and change Page fields for 'From-To' to just 'Pages'ages
Currently the 'Resource type' in the metadata of a resource on a reading list has chapter, article, document etc. There are many times when a list owner requests selected random pages that are not a whole chapter and it is difficult to show that. ...
Karen O'Donoghue
over 1 year ago
Future consideration
Enable the metadata of reading list items and digitisations to be synced/linked
Currently, if the metadata in a reading list item is updated, the metadata in the linked ditigisation is not updated too. It would be helpful if the metadata for each were synced, so we do not have to update both separately!
Sarah @ AUT
over 1 year ago
Reviewed - on hold