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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal


Showing 38

Ability to set an institutional level retention period for storage of bookmarks by list editors and creators

We've had a number of problems related to bookmarks over the years, where our list creators and editor have used older bookmarks without checking whether the links work. This is particularly a problem when switching suppliers, such as when Dawsone...
Jill Hazard 9 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

option to change author to editor field without having to re-enter the information

Book editors are sometimes entered as authors so it would be great if you could somehow switch them to the editor without deleting the author and re-entering the information into an editor field. this would save time if there were a lot of correct...
Sally Watt over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Remove ‘short title’ being included in the meta data fields bookmarked from journals

Currently when bookmarking from a journal, Talis automatically includes the field 'Short title' under the 'part of journal' section. As the full title of the journal displays there is no need for a short title version. It is not considered relevan...
Karen O'Donoghue 11 months ago in Bookmarking 3 Will not implement

Merge/link duplicate bookmarks in the system

Often the same resources are bookmarked by many different users, but with the metadata details varying slightly for each. It can be time-consuming to correct each occurence/variation. It would be very helpful if duplicate bookmarks could be merged...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 2 Reviewed - on hold

My Bookmarks - list of bookmarks: add filters & tags

In the My Bookmarks area of Talis Reading List, add: tags or a method of grouping / categorising bookmarks a method of filtering items User feedback is that this would be beneficial for teaching staff who are delivering multiple courses / lists wi...
Guest 10 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Planned

Enable the capture of the Permalink when bookmarking in Primo as a link option for View Online button

Currently when bookmarking from Primo you have the DOI, Web Address and Open URL option. for Primo there is also a permalink for the resource, we would like this to be a linking option from bookmarking. DOI doesn't work well as the resource may be...
Jill Hazard 20 days ago in Bookmarking 1 Feasibility Review

Sorting bookmarks

It would be great if the bookmarks could be sorted e.g. A-Z or by Importance. A-Z would be great for library staff to sort the sections alphabetically and for lectures it might be practical to sort their section/list by Importance. It would be goo...
Tina Macht 4 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Future consideration

Move bookmark with a Move to section option

Once you add a bookmark to a section, it can be quite time-intensive to move it up or down. It would be great to have another option to move up/move down, to Move to (and then choose the section where you want to move it to).
Tina Macht 4 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Already exists

Improve bookmarking to capture all metadata relevant for the Resource Type

Currently, when one of our list owners bookmarks a resource from our library discovery platform (Ex Libris Primo VE) or from a publisher site, not all of the relevant fields are populated in the resource record in Talis Aspire. For example, when j...
Guest 9 months ago in Bookmarking 3 Pending review

Site configurable label text for 'Add Resource' search function

We would like the wording for 'Search by title, author, or ISBN-13' to be site configurable so that it is clear to instructors/staff what exactly is being searched. For instance, a more useful label text for Douglas College might be 'Search OneSea...
Kristina Long over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold