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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal

Edit List

Showing 56

Enable adding a resource while the list is filtered

It would be very useful to be able to add resources and edit the list while terms are entered in the search bar or other filters are applied. This would reduce workload by removing the need to first filter the list to determine which section to ad...
Guest about 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Reviewed - on hold

'Go to bottom' tab

In the same way that there is a 'go to top' tab, it would be useful to have a 'go to bottom' tab at the top of reading lists. Useful when working on long lists, after publishing, searching from bottom upwards, etc
Dee McMahon over 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Add a 'Peer Reviewed' label to Articles/Journals based on ISSN

Currently, if we want to indicate an article/journal is peer-reviewed, we need to communciate this through a 'Note to students'. It would be very useful if Articles/Journals were automatically tagged with a 'Peer-reviewed' label based on their ISS...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Addressed feedback

Change the colour of the 'Unpublished changes!' warning bar

Unfortunately our users often miss the 'Unpublished changes!' bar on lists as the yellow colour makes it look like a non-urgent 'status update' (like the blue bar 'A review has been request') rather than an important alert that they need to do som...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Will not implement

Enable formatting options in 'Note for student'

Our users prefer using 'Notes for Students' over Paragraphs, as it is more obvious to students what resource they relate to, and cannot be accidentally separated. Unfortunately, unlike paragraphs, a 'Note for student' cannot Bold, Underline, Itali...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 0 Reviewed - on hold

Return to the item after editing its metadata, not the top of the list

After we have edited the metadata for an item on a reading list it would help us if Aspire was to return us to that section of the list, rather than the top of the list. Where we have a long list this would reduce a lot of scrolling.
Guest 4 days ago in Edit List 1 Will not implement

Add a librarian to a list.

Your subject librarian is…” and then link to email/message them.
Katy Maydon 6 days ago in Edit List 1 Already exists

Increase the size of student note

It is small and can get missed.
Katy Maydon 6 days ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

Hide publish button when list is fully published

I’d like to suggest a change to how the publish button is displayed in the Talis Aspire reading lists. Currently the publish button remains highlighted at all times, which makes it unclear whether something has actually been published. Would it be...
Lisa Buchanan 13 days ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

Enable filtering of lists by items with Student Notes

Recently list filtering by items with Library Notes was enabled which has been very useful! We would also find it useful if we could filter by Student Notes too.
Sarah @ AUT 5 months ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration