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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal

Edit List

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include all fields in the List Edit Details in the All Lists report

All fields in the List Edit Details (screenshot attached) are included in the All Lists report except 2: Description Internal Note Both of these fields would be beneficial if included in the All Lists report. I know there is another idea for inclu...
Guest 5 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Ability to collapse sections on a list

We have had a request from an academic with a large list for the ability to set the sections on their list to be collapsed by default. This will allow the user to quickly scroll to the relevant section then open it to see their readings. (Also, ca...
Kendall Kousek 11 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Move sections as a whole using drag and drop, same as resources.

I have had several instructors complain that moving sections in a reading list is very tedious, as you have to repeatedly click on move down/up and then the sections travel through other sections, not right below or above the next section. My curr...
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 12 Reviewed - on hold

Add a toggle to allow tenants to choose if they want List Creators to automatically be List Owners

My understanding is that List Creators are not automatically assigned as List Owners because one client requested that this be so. However, it would be great if there could be a toggle where clients could choose. We are trying to make list creatio...
Julie Cole over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Reviewed - on hold

Allow recently deleted lists to be retrieved in order to prevent permanent accidental deletions.

When culling reading lists, especially when deciding between two that have been created with the same/similar names, it is easy to delete the wrong one. It would be helpful to have a retrieval feature in which recently deleted lists could be resto...
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Enable adding a resource while the list is filtered

It would be very useful to be able to add resources and edit the list while terms are entered in the search bar or other filters are applied. This would reduce workload by removing the need to first filter the list to determine which section to ad...
Guest about 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Reviewed - on hold

'Go to bottom' tab

In the same way that there is a 'go to top' tab, it would be useful to have a 'go to bottom' tab at the top of reading lists. Useful when working on long lists, after publishing, searching from bottom upwards, etc
Dee McMahon over 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Enable formatting options in 'Note for student'

Our users prefer using 'Notes for Students' over Paragraphs, as it is more obvious to students what resource they relate to, and cannot be accidentally separated. Unfortunately, unlike paragraphs, a 'Note for student' cannot Bold, Underline, Itali...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 0 Reviewed - on hold

Change 'Edit list details' to 'Edit list privacy' only

Only system administrators/library staff should be able to change list settings such as the time periods, titles, and licences. We find the description box is rarely used. Academics tend to change the time periods to 'rollover' their list, without...
Sarah @ AUT 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Change the save buttons in the Assign List Owner window.

When a user is assigned as the 'List Owner' of the list, if the Save button is clicked (instead of the Save with List Publisher role), the user is granted ownership without editor permissions. This is not particularly obvious and causing frustrati...
Sarah @ AUT 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold