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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal


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Hyperlinks in List Paragraphs: ability to include live, embedded hyperlinks in paragraphs on resource lists.

Users can 'add paragraph' to resouce lists, however the formatting options are limited, and you cannot embed hyperlinks into them. In a previous version of lists this was possible, however with the transition to new list edit this functionality wa...
Andrew Manton-Maund over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 3 Shipped

Add the field 'Article number' to the metadata

Many journal articles are now published with an Article number instead of page numbers. Please add this option to the available metadata fields so accurate citations can be created.
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 2 Shipped

Amend the ISSN populated from bookmarking to include the dash eg 1234-5678

Currently when bookmarking from a journal, Talis includes the ISSN data without a dash after the first four digits. Library catalogues, publishers and journal sites display an ISSN in the format of 1234-5678 (including the dash) whereas Talis is d...
Karen O'Donoghue 11 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Shipped

Increase compatibility with Law resources

Currently appropriate metadata fields and citiation styles cannot be selected eg. NZLSG As a workaround, we put whole Law citation into the Title field. It would be helpful if there was increased compatibility with Law resources.
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Shipped

Strip out copyright symbol from publication dates, as it causes errors in bibliographies

We've noticed recently that publication dates which are preceded by a © symbol in bookmarks aren't recognised as dates when exporting from an Aspire list to a bibliography (bookmarking from OCLC WorldCat periodically gives rise to dates with © in ...
Guest 11 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Shipped

Add 'Report' as a resource type and 'Report number' as a metadata field

Currently, 'Report' is not a resource type, and 'Report number' is not a metadata field. Adding these options would make metadata and references more accurate for Reports.
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 2 Shipped